Thursday, July 1, 2010

[Total Eclipse of the Heart!]

Ok, it's been a few days..not too much new. I have been hanging out with Jessica & her son Tyler almost everyday. Going on walks & to the pool. Noah loved the pool this time & was laughing so hard. Saturday I hope to see Eclipse with Danielle & all of us are going to the fire works after, I also have a BBQ during the day. Sunday, we're probably going to my Aunt's house. We are thinking more & more about moving back to NJ. My dad offered to make us an apartment in the back part of his house & stay there until he goes to Texas. We could save a ton because my "room & board" would be getting DJ off to school & we can pay my car off in a jiffy. Ideal situation? No. But I am really considering it. To save that money, to be that close to friends, family & most important be able to see Stevie a few days a week. When my dad leaves we would take over his mortgage of 1,250 a month & while we stay we can slowly make it to our liking. The attic is totally finishable so we would make the master up there & have 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor with this big common area in the center that would be the playroom. He has exposed beams & a lot of the older house charm that I like. He fixed up the whole place & other than the attic the rest is just some paint & our style. I know I am all over the place with my thoughts but I am liking this option. Yesterday we had sushi-which I am going to attempt to make one of these days! :o) Tonight we had London Broil, Potato & I had Raspberry Zenfindel to drink. Earlier this week I made Lime Cilantro Chicken over Avocado Salsa & we LOVED it. OOHH, duh we went to the Carnival last week which was fun too! Anxious to stay @ my dad's for the week of July 12 & that Friday we have a date to see Inception..hopefully PF Changs too!


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