Tuesday, January 18, 2011

[Potty Training in Progress!]

I am sure there is a lot new since I last wrote but I am going to cut to the good stuff. Noah has been peeing (& even a poop!) on the potty for the last 3 days. He has gone 5-6x now. I had just got him a potty for Christmas & would have him sit on there clothed when I went to the bathroom. I would say "Pee Pee or Potty" then the other night he told Daddy "Pee Pee" & went in the bathroom, closed the door. Steve ran & told me but he didn't take his pants off so when Noah asked again we did a Wha la! Since then he hasn't asked but I have been putting him on 1-2 times a day & have gotten lucky a few times, so it's a start! This Friday Steve & I are taking Noah to Gymboree then on Friday is Adam's Family on Broadway! The show is @ 8pm but we're going in all day to have lunch @ this place we saw on TV, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum & if we have time maybe Macy's or Toys R Us. I'm super excited! I keep trying to update my 365 page but whenever I hit publish post nothing happens so I am not going to waste too much time on this just in case..otherwise, I will be back after this awesome weekend!