Friday, February 26, 2010

[.Nothing short of my Everything!.]

It's true-Noah is standing now! Since my last entry I have now ordered Noah's Birthday Invitations, found the decorations I want & pretty much have that all in order. I was able to get these ADORABLE invitations for under 11 bucks, so even cheaper than getting store ones. His colors are light blue, navy & white. Noah is changing by leaps & bounds everyday & you wouldn't think this is possible but he is even getting cuter by the minute. He couldn't be more handsome, can't even picture it! Anyways, I always forget what I write in previous posts but if I didn't tell you last time we are doing work around the house. We have painted the big wall in the kitchen "Suntan", replaced the door knobs & fixtures to bronze, picked out back splash & thinking about getting a pendant light. Right now I am doing as much of the little tweaks we can do to make our house stand out of the other "cookie cutter houses" that people may see in our same neighborhood. Future plans are painting our room & the foyer, changing that big light, outside fixtures, pull down sprayer kitchen sink & new floor in the family room. Bigger ones include deck & paved Driveway. I also think I may set up my dining room like a model house & have the table settings out because I love how that looks! LOL. Might as well make some use out of my fancy dishes! Noah is talking up a storm next to me letting me know its time for his nap. Think I am trying a new chicken recipe tonight, it depends when Steve starts sanding/painting the ceiling in kitchen. (that will be white, but has nail pops from house setteling so turns into big projecto) He has been off way too much lately with the bad weather so really hope the end is in sight! Next week sleepover @ Sara's, Sushi for my Birthday & Liam's party the next day..before you know it, I will be the big 2-7. Yuck! Ciao for now.


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