Monday, November 1, 2010

[Happy Hal10weekend..and a whole lot more!]

Reeewwwwwwwind..before I get to Halloween let's pick up where I left off. Friday Oct 22 Steve, Noah & I went to the mall on the quest to find me the perfect dress for Raigan's wedding. This was the first wedding/reason to dress up since before I was pregnant so I really just wanted to feel good. After searching high & low I accomplished this by finding something very different & unique. We ate @ PF Changs for lunch & left there 47 bucks richer since the chicken lettuce wraps literally broke Steve's tooth! Now he has to go to the dentist on their dime & its taking a long time waiting to talk to their insurance company & such. Wedding was beautiful, as was the couple. As the week went on we went on a double date with Elyse, my sister in law & her boyfriend. Her & I have always been close but now we're besties talking all through out the day, everyday. I am enjoying being so close to my in law's & my neices. We saw Catfish & then snuck in to see Paranormal Activity. I was really scared to do this..I don't break rules often! I also went with her to start looking for places for her & the girls to move in to.Thursday, was our Roll n Treat Stroller Stride class. He had the best costume if I may say so & mom's were asking to take pictures and that they wanted to "eat him up with a spoon!" This Friday, we were supposed to go to the Rocky Horror Picture Show but it was sold out. My other sister in law Ashley was upset about it & really wanted to do something, she had free passes to the movies so just her & I saw Hereafter. Saturday, we got our tickets in advance & went to the show. WOW. Crazy! It was very sexual, graphic & a good time. Out of a sold out show I, Kristi, won first prize for costume (Crayola Crayon lol) I won a Jason doll but still it was exciting beating out Lady Gaga, Snookie & more! You have to do a "Virgin" challenge if it is your first time there, get up dance & run around. I don't see how people go every weekend but I would go again for my Birthday or something. My closet is done, we are really about 90% done with everything there is to do here. I LOVE it! It has a built in desk with a light that I am working at as we speak. Finally, Halloween. We were up & out the door by noon. First stop was to Raigan's new place & we stayed for about an hour. It was their first time meeting Noah & they adored him. They said countless times that he is so perfect & just what they hope for when their first baby is due this May. A lot of my friends are pregnant & due around the same time I was..wonder if I should lend out any of my maternity clothes? Another busy weekend ahead, Friday trying out this new place Park East with Sara. Will only be the second time that we go out to eat, take our time & have some drinks since the boys. Saturday, I am having lunch & hanging out with Danielle. Ok, feels good to be caught up on this, 365 Blog, pictures off to get caught up on shows before Bean wakes up.


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